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Landed Two PR's, And Made A New Friend - Part 2

As an addition from my last post, which you can read here , we can dive in to the PR that I spent more time working on.  Again, although it was easy, I learned a lot about the entire debugger.html project and did some research about React in the process, which I'm really interested in learning more about. Just so we're on the same page, you can see the link below: In this bug, I was asked to move all of the workers to their own directory.  It sounds really simple but it does require a lot of testing in order to get it landed.  Thankfully, I had help learning how testing works from Senior Software Engineer for the Mozilla DevTools team, Jason Laster . Before I discuss what I fixed, I have to give kudos to this guy.  When I joined the Slack channel, Jason was the first person to greet me to the group and also assigned me my issue, which you can find below:

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